Luke and Maran were very excited about the first day of school. Getting them up two hours earlier than what they were used to was not as hard as we thought. Of course we started them going to bed early about a week before so it wasn't horrific. It was worse for mommy. I was really nervous about the drive and not knowing how long it would take although we mostly go against the traffic flow. I wondered if they (mostly Luke) would throw a fit when I drove up and they had to get out of the car. The drop off was easy. The hardest part was the 16 minute wait in the parking lot. We had a great talk and once again I told them what I did every morning of Mother's Morning Out..."Be a good friend and a good listener". Then we did our knuckle buster, lock it and blow it up handshake and our 'TEAM GIESER' cheer.
After drop off I pulled around the corner of the school and thought 'wow that went well' and then I immediately decided that I didn't know how I felt about it. I kept driving though. I then figured it was a good morning to have some breakfast (not a breakfast fan am I) so I did. After getting to the office I kept wondering how they were doing. Our information packet said that we could call and see how they were doing and it was all I could do to not call.
The teacher said to be in carpool line at 2:20. I left the office and was in line at 2:07. (Timing definitely had to be worked out). I waited for what felt like an hour for them to come out. They came bouncing out and were so happy. After loading the car they were both talking over each other and couldn't get it all out quick enough. Luke showed me his stamp that he received and asked if he could eat his sucker. I said yes. I asked Marant if she wanted to eat hers and she said she didn't get one and Luke quickly said that she was 'bad'. Turns out Maran didn't get a sticker either. If I would have guessed the one who would have come home with 'no treats' it definitely would have not been Maran empty handed. Luke is a very outgoing gregarious fella who often ends up in the wrong place and enjoys being the 'fun one in the group'. (Not sure where this comes from.......). The story continues to grow on what exactly happened and if any of the portions of it were true then I am pretty sure I would have heard from the teacher. Who knows what did or did not happen but one thing is for sure the 'over pleasing' child in the group was the one who came home empty handed. I kind of talk it up as Luke having a good day of 'not getting caught'. He is not a bad little boy by any means he just likes to be somewhat of a prankster. Such a charming quality for a 4 year old.
Here 's to hoping that the fun of Pre-K continues. If it is anything like Day1 then this will be a very good year!