Sunday, June 5, 2011

While Sitting at the Kitchen Table...

Mommy why is my skin darker?

Because you are from Guatemala.

Why is Maran's skin so...uhm... Shiny?

Because she is from China.

And why is MeMe Joyce in Heaven?

because she got very sick and went to live with God.

Well, can't she just come to Charlotte and see us and go to the beach with us and play with us and help us pack our backpacks and help us water the plants and help us have fun? And then when we are done she can go back to God and Jesus and stay in the clouds for a while?

No honey, it doesn't work that way.  When you are in Heaven you are there forever.

Well, do you think she can at least come and help us clean off this clean off this kitchen table?  It's a real mess.

No sweetie MeMe Joyce was blind and she would have a hard time helping us clean off the table since it has so much stuff on it.

She should still come and see us and this is a good time since the table is so dirty she won't notice and it won't bother her like it's bothering me.

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