Monday, March 7, 2011

Luke asks -- "Mommy why is my skin a different color?"

Driving down the road we can get into some crazy conversations.  I try to talk to Luke and Maran when we are in the car. At times we do have the video on or we listen to Thomas Music, Chinese Lullabies or the soundtrack from Toy Story (which is pretty good by the way). 

Luke asked why Maran spoke differently.  I told him that she was a girl and that she is still learning English (oh and you can hardly tell the child has not been speaking English for years -- 4 months and she is Not BEHIND).....but this is about Mr. Snickerdoodle so back to the story. He then said "Mommy why is my skin a different color?"  I told him that his skin was a little darker because he is from Guatemala.  He then said "Yes and Maran is from China and so her skin is different".  I then said that my skin was a different color because I am from America.  He then asked where Daddy was from.  I said "America like mommy".  I told him that it didn't matter what color his skin was or anyone else's because the color of your skin is not an issue.  He said, "Yes mommy you are right and you and God loves me anyway". a loss for words.... I guess some things you say do stay with them (at least for a while). 

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