Luke just loves excitement. He reminds me of me. If you need a pick me up or a general giggle at something silly then we are your 'GO TO' people.
We were making Daddy's birthday present and Luke was so excited he just couldn't stop quivering. (When he gets excited he shakes his body and it is horribly cute..... and he has done it since we got him which makes it even better). He couldn't concentrate on the project at hand for gabbing (a gift he got from me) about Daddy's birthday.
He than asked me "Mommy, do you think Daddy wants a carrot for his birthday like you did?"
I told him I was pretty sure that daddy didn't want a carrot (cake) but would probably love a chocolate cake. He then told me I better buy one instead of trying to make it because Daddy would like it better.
Ok... so off to buy a cake for tomorrow's BIG DAY!!!
....and here I thought I could at least BAKE and not offend!!